Fine works on Agriculture gearboxes – Rotary Lawn Mower Series Products:
SMI (Sino Machie Industry)serving the industrial markets of the world.
By Coffy
Fine works on Agriculture gearboxes – Rotary Lawn Mower Series Products:
SMI (Sino Machie Industry)serving the industrial markets of the world.
By Sen Liang
Daily Design Works – Weight Distribution & Sway Control System
Tell us your vehicle model, SMI (Sino Machine Industry) will offer you whole Weight Distribution & Sway Control System.
Let us know your requirements, customized parts are available.
SMI (Sino Machine Industry) serving the industrial markets of the world.
By Coffy
When some foreign matters that cannot be crushed go into the crushing chamber or the machine is overloaded due to some reasons, the spring protection system of cone crusher will increase the discharging mouth and the foreign matters will be discharged from the crushing chamber, thus realizing protection. If the foreign matters are stuck at the discharging mouth, the spring protection system will start the chamber cleaning system and continue to increase the discharging mouth, so that the foreign matters can be discharged from the crushing chamber of cone crusher. Under the function of the spring, the discharging mouth will be automatically reset and cone crusher will resume normal work. This series of cone crusher is divided into three types, namely coarse cone crusher, medium cone crusher and fine cone crusher and the customers can choose different type according specific needs.
Working principle:
When cone crusher begins to work, the electro motor drives the eccentric sleeve through the spring coupling, drive shaft and a pair of angle gear, so that the crushing wall of cone crusher gets close to and then gets away from the surface of the rolling mortar wall fixed on the adjusting sleeve, and the ores inside the crushing chamber will be constantly impacted, squeezed and bent to be crushed.
The Main Types and Function of Cone Crushers:
This series of crusher machine is divided into three types, namely coarse cone crusher, medium cone crusher and fine cone crusher, and the standard type is suitable for medium crushing; the medium type and the short-headed type is suitable for fine crushing, so that the customers can choose different types according specific need.
All cone crusher parts supplied by Sino Machine Industries are made in China. The cone crusher parts including cone crusher spare parts which Sino Machine Industries supplied were produced per customer’s drawings or specifications.
By Coffy
The main products include toothed plates, side guard plates and depression bars or jaw crushers, rolling mortar walls (fixed cones) and crusher walls (movable cones) of cone crushers, lining plates of ball mills, rod mills and coal pulverizers, plate hammers, hammers and lining plates of reaction crushers and hammer crushers, hammers, grate bars and lining plates of metal crushers, etc. falling into around 15,000 varieties.
Our main Crusher & Wear Part as as following:
Reaction Crusher Wear Part, Cone Crusher Wear Part, Jaw Crusher Wear Part
All crusher & wear parts supplied by Sino Mahince Industries are made in China. Also we offer OEM/ODM parts. The crusher & wear parts (including crusher & wear spare parts) , shredderw wear parts which Sino Machine Industries supplied were produced per customer’s drawings or specifications.
By Coffy
A Professional Designer & Supplier For High Efficiency Aluminum Dross Press Equipment
We have been devoted to design and manufacture high efficiency aluminum dross recycling equipment for many years. We work with American famous experts in aluminum industry, our main products are dross press, dross pan, cooling head and so on. These featured parts had been sold to famous aluminum companies worldwide, and have obtained high praise from our customers. We had recently expanded the dross pan casting line to include the manufacture of DCU (dross compression units).
High Efficiency Aluminum Dross Press Machine for Aluminum plant
With unique design, our aluminum dross press can cool down the hot dross rapidly, the oxidation and metal loss will be terminated in a very short time. Metal recovery could be 45-70% which is much higher than other processes. We can customize dross press in different types based on your need and your dross amount.
Upgrade and Improve
We customize for you based on your current need, we upgrade and improve your dross recycling equipment, and increase metal recovery significantly.
Innovative cooling head, significantly reduce the dross cooling time and smoke.
Sino Machine Industries (SMI) provides consulting services on the design and improvement of aluminum dross press. A patented material which is developed by SMI technology team, SMI aluminum dross pans and sow molds have durable quality.
Dross before processing and dross processed by our products.
Our most experienced fields are in supplying Aluminum dross press machines and other castings for Aluminum plant.
Sino Machine Industries dedicated to providing top-quality aluminum plant equipment and products to meet the demanding needs for machines operating at elevated temperatures in the aluminum industry. From skimming dross off molten aluminum to pouring it into sows and ingots, our range of products – including dross press, skim blades, dross pan sets, sow molds, and factory ingot molds (standard ingot molds or customized ingot molds) – are engineered to withstand the thermal shocks and stresses of high-temperature operations in your casthouse. The extra-sturdy design of our products, combined with our thermal shock-resistant materials, ensures longevity and durability. Our solutions help increase aluminum dross recovery yields and reduce your material and operating costs.
Crucibles are used for melting ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Crucibles vary in size ranging from holding a couple of ounces of metal to having a couple of thousand pounds. Crucibles can be used in an electrical resistance furnace, gas furnace, removable crucible furnace, tilting furnace, pit furnace, or induction furnace. Crucibles are made of either clay graphite or silicon carbide. SMI supplies various sizes, shapes, and makeups of crucibles, ensuring we have the proper crucible for customer’s process.
SMI Slag crucible for metallurgy industry or Aluminum recycling
Material: Iron casting, Steel Casting, Graphite
Slag pots, Slag crucible, Slag planter are widely used in molten metal like Aluminum, Steel, Zinc, Lead, Magnesium, etc.
SMI customized crucibles and slag haulers are now being produced for the lead industry, increasing their efficiency and lowering their operating cost. Our designs replaced fabricated deigns at a major lead battery recycler.
Technology: 3D engineering design, and FEA analysis, allows for us to look at the existing design, analyze both the physical and thermal stresses and then come up with a better safer product for use in the operation.
SMI Group Quality Management System ensures we deliver every product on-time and on-spec. SMI QMS process has been ISO 9001:2015 certified and includes detailed procedures throughout each step in the order, manufacturing and inspection process. At SMI, we recognize that the product arriving on-time and within specification is critical to the continual smooth operation of customer`s plant.
Free inquiry now:
Los crisoles se utilizan para fundir metales ferrosos y no ferrosos. Los crisoles varían en tamaño, desde contener un par de onzas de metal hasta tener un par de miles de libras. Los crisoles se pueden utilizar en un horno de resistencia eléctrica, un horno de gas, un horno de crisol extraíble, un horno basculante, un horno de pozo o un horno de inducción. Los crisoles están hechos de arcilla, grafito o carburo de silicio. SMI suministra varios tamaños, formas y composiciones de crisoles, lo que garantiza que tengamos el crisol adecuado para el proceso del cliente.
Crisol de escoria SMI para la industria metalúrgica o reciclaje de aluminio
Material: fundición de hierro, fundición de acero, grafito
Las ollas de escoria, el crisol de escoria, la jardinera de escoria son ampliamente utilizadas en metales fundidos como aluminio, acero, zinc, plomo, magnesio, etc.
Los crisoles y transportadores de escoria personalizados de SMI ahora se producen para la industria del plomo, lo que aumenta su eficiencia y reduce sus costos operativos. Nuestros diseños reemplazaron los diseños fabricados en un importante reciclador de baterías de plomo.
Tecnología: El diseño de ingeniería 3D y el análisis FEA nos permiten observar el diseño existente, analizar las tensiones físicas y térmicas y luego llegar a un producto mejor y más seguro para su uso en la operación.
El sistema de gestión de calidad del Grupo SMI garantiza que entreguemos todos los productos a tiempo y según las especificaciones. El proceso de SGC de SMI cuenta con la certificación ISO 9001:2015 e incluye procedimientos detallados en cada paso del proceso de pedido, fabricación e inspección. En SMI, reconocemos que el producto que llega a tiempo y dentro de las especificaciones es fundamental para el buen funcionamiento continuo de la planta del cliente.
Consulta gratuita ahora:
Professional Aluminum & Magnesium plant equipment supplier from China.
Up to 4,000 metric tons of mechanical products annually.
More than 28 years’ manufacturing and export experience.
Serving Global Aluminum & Magnesium smelters and metal recycling industry since 1996.
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